The How, When & Why of Ski Vacations

Information on Ski Vacations, like planning your ski vacation, budget ski vacations, what to pack on your ski vacation, ski vacations with ski clubs &, for the real beginner, learn how to ski in readiness for your ski vacation

I am sure you will agree that, before departing on any vacation, a little information on preparation & planning can only help. Our purpose is to provide you with exactly that regarding your ski vacations!

Ski Vacations - Learning How To Ski

If your family wants to go skiing on your next vacation, but you don't know how to ski, go ahead and plan that ski vacation anyway! You can learn how to ski, and you will have a great time doing it. You don't even need to know the first thing about skiing before you arrive at the resort - all of the knowledge you will need is there waiting for you, and you can literally be skiing down a mountain after an hour of instruction.

Learning to ski is really quite easy. Most resorts have a ski school on the premises, and lessons are reasonably priced. Group and private lessons are usually available. It is a good idea, however, to schedule an appointment before you arrive at the resort. This will ensure that you can start learning to ski the very first hour of your vacation.

Most ski instructors start by showing you how to manoeuvre around with your equipment. When you are wearing ski boots, you will be inclined slightly forward - there is a reason for this...when you are skiing down a mountain, you will be inclined forward! Walking in ski boots the first time is a bit difficult - but it works just fine if you learn to walk with your knees slightly bent.

 The first manoeuvre you will learn is called the plow, or snow plow. This is a technique that is done by literally using your skis as a snow plough. You make the back of the skis slowing move outwards, away from your body by applying pressure - and this stops you. You guide yourself on skies by bending your knees and leaning in one direction or another, depending on which way you want to go. All of these techniques can be learned in one hour, even if you have never been on a pair of skis in your life.

The beauty of skiing is that after you have learned how to snow plough, and how to guide yourself on the skis, you are ready to ski! Get on the lift, head up the mountain, and give it a try. Control your speed by snow ploughing - go slow at first. When you want to pick up some speed, draw your skis back in to pick up a little speed, then push them back out into the plow position to control that speed.

 As a beginner, you should stick to the trails that are designed for beginners. At most resorts, these trails are marked with a green emblem. Blue trails are for intermediate skiers, and after one day of skiing the beginner trails, you may be ready for those trails. The black trails are for experts. These trails can be dangerous for people who don't have the skill level to handle them! Avoid black trails until you have had a great deal of ski instruction and experience. You will know when you are ready! Enjoy your ski vacation!

Ski Vacations on a Budget

 When you start thinking about ski vacations, you will find a lot of information about various resorts and packages. Finding terrific vacation spots isn't difficult, however, finding ski vacations that fit into your budget can be a challenge.

 To save money, look for lesser known resorts. This doesn't mean that these resorts won't provide you with a fun vacation - it simply means that they aren't quite as well known as other resorts, and therefore, the prices may be a great cheaper. Also look for ski vacation packages that will include your lodging, lift tickets, lessons, rentals, and possibly even some meals.

Be willing to make some sacrifices if money is a real issue. For instance, instead of eating in an expensive restaurant each night, eat cheaper fast food, or make sandwiches in your room. Borrow equipment from friends instead of renting it. Join a group for lessons instead of taking private lessons. Don't stay at a lodge, stay at a motel farther away from the slopes if necessary. There are numerous ways that you can cut down on the expense of your ski trip. It is all about

the powder after all! Have a great ski vacation at budget prices!

Ski Vacations with Ski Clubs

There are many different types of clubs throughout the world. In fact, there is a club or organization for just about everything that you can imagine! Skiing is no exception. Ski clubs are a great way to learn new things, and to go on ski vacations with other members. In fact, ski club members often get discounted rates on ski vacation packages.

No matter where you live, there is a ski club near you. This is true even if you live in a place that does not ever get snowfall! These clubs regularly get together for trips to various mountains, ski areas, and ski resorts. Some are local clubs, meaning that the slopes that they ski on are within driving distance, while others are more national or global, which means that they not only ski locally, if possible, but they also plan ski trips.

Again, members of ski clubs often receive deep discounts on ski vacation packages. Arrangements are usually made through the club, so that everyone is eligible for the discounts. The money that is required from each member for the trip is usually paid to the club, and the club passes the funds on to pay for lodging, airfare, meals, lift tickets, and other perks that are included in the trip. Because arrangements are being made for a group of people - which is usually fairly large - discounts are given. This benefits all members of the club.

The discounts aren't the only thing to be excited about. These clubs get together regularly - even if they aren't getting together to ski. They join together for other activities as well, such as cookouts and fundraisers. Many ski clubs do annual fundraisers to help less fortunate families and children at Christmas time. Others do annual fundraisers to help preserve the environment - which is usually a topic of great importance to skiers who love being out in the wide open spaces and fresh air.

While skiing is what brings these groups together in the first place, it is not necessarily what keeps them together. Their love of a common sport, and their common interests and feeling of community is what keeps them together - and it keeps them skiing together for years and years. If you are a skier, you should definitely consider joining a club. It doesn't matter - in most cases - what level you are at. Beginners are usually welcomed, and this is a great way for beginners to quickly improve their skills and techniques out on the slopes. Ski club ski vacations can be a great experience.

Ski Vacations - What To Pack

If you will be traveling for a ski vacation, it is often difficult to know what to pack. You may not even have a problem knowing what to pack, but instead have a problem figuring how to get everything that you need from your home to your destination. Skis do not easily fit into suitcases, and if you are flying, this presents a huge problem.

Start by knowing what is available at your destination. Is there a rental shop? How much are the rental fees for skis, boots, and poles. If it is reasonable, and you don't mind skiing with rented equipment, this is a viable option - and it makes packing and travelling much easier.

If you don't care for rented equipment, there is another option. Find out if there are any ski shops in the area. There usually are. Get prices on skis, poles, and boots, and then ask if they buy used equipment. If they don't, ask if there is anyone near by that does purchase used equipment. Call that place to get an estimate on how much you could get for barely used ski equipment. Figure the difference in the money you will spend on the ski equipment, and the money you will get for the used equipment when you are finished with it. If it isn't much more than what it would cost you to rent the equipment, go for it!

Ski suits, ski jackets, and sweaters can be very bulky, and hard to pack. These items will take up a lot of room in your suitcase, and leave less room for other clothing and essentials. If you are trying to pack for a two week ski vacation, it will be impossible to fit everything you need into one suitcase.

There is a way to solve this. Call the lodge or resort where you will be staying. Tell them that you need to ship a package, for yourself, to them, and that you need that package to be there when you arrive. Ask them if they will hold it for you at the desk. In most cases, they will. Next, get a box, put all of your ski suits, your ski jacket, and any other bulky items in the box, and ship it to yourself, in care of the lodge or resort. Shipping can be overnight, two day, or three day depending on how far it must travel. Depending on how much the box weighs, you will usually pay less than fifty dollars to ship a package in the continental United States....which is a lot less than you would pay an airline for extra baggage! Enjoy your ski vacation with the peace of mind that comes knowing you have everything you need with you or at your destination.